Friday, January 4, 2013

5 paragraph

If I had a time machine I would go back and see if some of the most historical events were really true. An example would be if there really was a shooter on the grassy noel and if it really was Billy the kid was killed by pat garret and if Jesse James was shot.  To do this, there would need to be a time machine to bad there is no such thing.  If somebody can do this then the way we look at history will be changed forever.

One of the first places I would go is to the shooting of Jesse James and see if it really was him or if it was a fake. On April 3rd 1882 Jesse James was assinated by Bob Ford a new person in the James gang. While hanging a picture bob pulled out his pistol and shot Jesse in back of the head. When the pictures were taken it looked nothing like him. So today people say it was not him and so that is way I would go back and see if it really was him.

The next place would be the Billy the kid shooting that happened after the Lincoln county wars. Pat Garrett shot Billy and then came and wrote a book about it. One reason is that I think that he didn’t get shot and that the cops got the wrong guy so I would want to go back and see if he was really shot. The next place is the shooting of Abraham Lincoln to see if they really shot John Wilkes Booth in that barn or some one else. And to see if their could have been a way to stop him from him shooting him.

Another place I would go is to the assignation of JFK to see if Lee Harvey Oswald shot him or if it was a government cover up. Many people thought that the government shot JFK instead of Lee Harvey Oswald. I would go back to the sixth floor to the building to see who shot him. Also I would see if there was really a shooter on the grassy noel. If there is it would rewrite history.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if people would create a time machine? If that would happen we would really know what happened in history. That would be awesome to know what actually happened. I wish I had a time machine.

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